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- 10 ifk=0thenk=1:load"grafnastics",8,1
- 20 poke53281,0:poke53280,0:a=49152:a$="m":goto200
- 30 a=49152:a$="":geta$:ifa$=""then210
- 40 ifa$="h"thensysa,8
- 50 ifa$="t"thensysa,9
- 60 ifa$="r"thensysa,7
- 70 ifa$="i"thensysa,6
- 80 ifa$=chr$(145)thensysa,5
- 90 ifa$=chr$(17)thensysa,4
- 100 ifa$=chr$(157)thensysa,3
- 110 ifa$=chr$(29)thensysa,2
- 120 ifa$="p"thensysa,1
- 130 ifa$="l"then310
- 140 ifa$="s"then320
- 150 ifa$="0"thenpoke49711,0
- 160 ifa$="1"thenpoke49711,1
- 170 ifa$="2"thenpoke49711,2
- 180 ifa$="c"thensysa,12
- 190 ifa$="u"thensysa,10
- 200 ifa$="m"thensysa,9:gosub380:goto30
- 210 n=(peek(56320)and15):ifn=15then30
- 220 x=x+((n>8)and(n<12))-((n<8)and(n>4))
- 230 y=y-(n=13)-(n=9)-(n=5)+(n=14)+(n=10)+(n=6)
- 240 x=x-(x<0)+(x>319):y=y-(y<0)+(y>199):x2=x
- 250 x1=-(x>255):poke49716,x1:ifx1=1thenx2=x2-256
- 260 poke49715,x2
- 270 poke49718,y
- 280 sys49483
- 290 ifpeek(49711)=0thensys49152,9:printx,y,peek(2)
- 300 goto30
- 310 k=1:sysa,11:sysa,9:input"[147]load filename";na$:sysa,8:loadna$,8,1
- 320 sysa,9:input"[147]save filename";na$:ifna$=chr$(13)then30
- 330 print"please wait..."
- 340 open15,8,15:open8,8,8,"0:"+na$+",p,w":print#8,chr$(0)chr$(92);
- 350 fori=23552to32575:input#15,e1$,e2$
- 360 ife1$="00"thenprint#8,chr$(peek(i));:next
- 370 printe1$,e2$:fori=0to1000:next:close8:close15:goto30
- 380 print"[147][159] copyright 1987 compute! pub., inc."
- 390 printtab(10)"all rights reserved"
- 400 print"m[146] menu"
- 410 print"0[146] peek"
- 420 print"1[146] draw"
- 430 print"2[146] erase"
- 440 print"h[146] hi-res"
- 450 print"p[146] perspective"
- 460 print"r[146] rotate"
- 470 print"t[146] text"
- 480 print"u[146] undo"
- 490 print"i[146] invert"
- 500 print"s[146] save"
- 510 print"l[146] load"
- 520 print"c[146] clear screen"
- 530 print"crsr-lt[146] mirror r to l"
- 540 print"crsr-rt[146] mirror l to r"
- 550 print"crsr-dn[146] mirror t to b"
- 560 print"crsr-up[146] mirror b to t"
- 570 return